Bug Fixes

Fix error on event report switching account

Description : During the creation of an event report for switching account, if one of the mandate was in the OBSOLETE
status then the event report was not generated.
Fix : The event report for switching account is now generated when it contains OBSOLETE mandates
Root cause : Legacy issue

Remove IBAN and BIC control during the integration of a RTransaction file

Description : When receiving an RTransaction file, if the creditor bank account has been changed between the pain008
emission and the RTransaction file reception, then the file was rejected
Fix : We removed IBAN and BIC control during Sdd RTransaction file integration
Root cause : Legacy issue

[FCC] Impossible to import SIGN certificate

Description : The SPS-SIGN certificate upload via the FCC module was not working
Fix : The SPS-SIGN certificate upload via the FCC module has been fixed
Root cause : Regression from a bug fix (R22.10)

MEV request failure when UMR is not set

Description : When importing MEV requests with CSV file, if the UMR was not provided in the MEV request, even if the
organisation allows UMR generation, every signature session was failing at the step 2
Fix : The UMR is now generated on SPS before creating the signature session on SPS-SIGN and the signature workflow works
Root cause : Legacy issue

Invalid data in SDD stats dashboard

Description : On the SDD dashboard, RTransaction were not properly merged by code
Fix : On the SDD dashboard, RTransaction are now merged by code
Root cause : Legacy issue

Wrong technical user type displayed on edit user page

Description : When editing a technical user batch, then the technical user type “Webservice” was selected by default
Fix : When editing a technical user, then the right technical user type is selected by default
Root cause : Legacy issue



Suspended technical user should not be able to execute a REST request

Description : When executing a REST API request, the status of the technical user was not controlled, and a creditor with a valid certificate and user association was able to execute a REST API request even if the user was suspended
Fix : When executing a REST API request, the status of the technical user has to be ACTIVE
Root cause : Legacy issue of the REST migration

Handle carriage return in poor pain008 file integration

Description : When integrating an incomplete pain008 file, if a field was containing a carriage return, then the transaction was accepted and the file integration report and file event report was invalid CSV files
Fix : Carriage returns are now removed from the debtor name in incomplete pain008 files

Empty response for GetRTransaction API when reject code is AM05

Description : When requesting the GetRTransaction API request and the RTransaction reject code is AM05, then an empty response is returned
Fix : The code AM05 has been added in the SOAP xsd, and the RTransaction is now returned for every RTransaction codes
Root cause : Legacy issue

The pain001 file reference was not returned in the REST and SOAP GetSCT APIs.

Description: During a GetSCT API request, the pain001 file reference was never returned, regardless of the SCT status
Fix: The pain001 file reference is now returned in the REST and SOAP GetSCT APIs if the field exists
Root cause: Bug introduced when creating the GetSCT REST API

Mandatory debtor address when creating a MEV session with a CORE mandate

Description: When creating a MEV session for a CORE mandate, the debtor’s complete address must be entered
Fixed: When creating a MEV session for a CORE mandate, the debtor’s address is optional. However, if it is entered, it must be complete
Root cause : Legacy issue

Mandatory debtor address when creating a mandate via API REST

Description: When creating a mandate using API REST, some fields such as “addressType” are specified as mandatory when they are not
Fix: When creating a mandate via API REST, information concerning the debtor’s address are no longer mandatory
Root cause : Legacy issue