
Update FCC SPS-SIGN certificate management

We want creditor to be able to manage all their certificate from a single module in SPS-Creditor

After adding a new page to manage all certificate in SPS-Creditor, we have updated the FCC SPS-SIGN certificate as followed :

  • The page now display certificates uploaded on SPS-Creditor and inform you about which one exist on SPS-SIGN for the selected creditor
  • To upload a certificate, you first have to upload it on SPS-Creditor, and then you will be able to push it to SPS-SIGN

Documentation available here

It may seem not convenient to switch between the FCC module and the admin module to finally upload a certificate on SPS-SIGN, but in future releases, this page will be moved to the admin module under “Certificate Management”

Add some error messages during REST webservice authentication failure

Before the release of SPS 23.10, if the authentication of a REST request fails, a 401 http code was return and the response was empty

After this change, in some cases, an error code and an error message is added in the response body :

  • If the header Techincal-User is missing in the request then a 401 http is return with the following response
    "statusCode": "GNL011",
    "statusInfo": "Missing header Techincal-User"
  • If the user passed in the Techincal-User header is suspended, disabled, or the password needs to be updated then a 401 http is return with the following response
    "statusCode": "AUTH001",
    "statusInfo": "An action is required on the [user] user"

Add validations on the MEV form

Some validations have been added on the MEV form:

  • The Debtor first name cannot exceed 140 characters, otherwise the error message “Debtor First Name is too long (over 140 char.)” is displayed
  • The Debtor last name cannot exceed 140 characters, otherwise the error message “Debtor Last Name is too long (over 140 char.)” is displayed
  • The SIRET number cannot exceed 17 characters
  • The Social reason cannot exceed 70 characters

If the mandate scheme is B2B :

  • The SIRET number is mandatory, otherwise the error message “Siret number is mandatory for scheme B2B” is displayed
  • The Social reason is mandatory, otherwise the error message “Social reason is mandatory for scheme B2B” is displayed