New Features


The following REST APIs have been created :

  • Sdd Management
    • SearchRTransaction - Search for Sdd RTransactions with search parameters
  • Sct Management
    • SearchSct - Allows you to search for SCTs using search parameters
  • Collection Management
    • GenerateCollectionFile - Triggers the generation of collection files
    • GetCollectionFile - Retrieves information from a collection file
  • File Management
    • UploadFile - Used to upload a file to SPS
  • Creditor Management (Requires activation of the FCC option)
    • CreateCreditorOrganization - Creates an organization from an FCC template
    • CreateSignatureOrganization - Creates a signature shop from an FCC template
    • GetCreditorOrganization - Retrieves data from an organisation
    • AddCreditorAccount - Adds creditor bank accounts to an organisation
    • AddCreditorSci - Allows you to add creditors to an organisation
    • AddCreditorBusinessCode - Allows you to add business codes to an organisation

EventReport by API (API callback, AKA Webhook)

Creditors can now track changes in Sdd status using the EventReport files issued by SPS.
We have developed an API version of this functionality in 24.10
When a Sdd is created, the creditor can specify a URL to which SPS will send notifications (REST call) to notify the creditor of any changes to the status of the Sdd.

This function is only compatible with Sdd created using a REST webservice
This functionality is compatible with the reception of EventReport files.

Please contact SPS support to obtain the technical and functional specifications for this functionality.