SCT management by CSV file

SCT management by CSV file


Name Mandatory? Type Format Comments Size
request type M FRST : First line 4
requestorId M Uniquely identify the requestor (Demat partner or Creditor SI or Bank) Max35Text 35
creationDate M Timestamp of the data creation Date 10
fileId M identifies the file of the data Max35Text 35
request type M REC : Record or RECV2 to use refund 5 REC
request operation M CR: create SCT CA: cancel SCT UP: update SCT VA: validate 2
Main information of the SCT
endtoendId R SCT identifier 35
Execution date O Execution date Date If not provided, SPS will check if the option generate due date is checked and will generate one if it is allowed 10
Amount M Amount 12
Remittance information O MaxText140 Message to provide to the debtor 140
Purpose of the credit transfer O
Category purpose of the credit transfer O
Main information of the initiator
SCI O SEPA Creditor Identifier, Initiator identification code \A([A-Z]{2})(\d{2})([0-9A-Z]{3})([0-9A-Z]{1,28})\z 28
initiatorName M Initiator Name MaxText70 70
initiatorBic O Initiator BIC [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} If not provided, SPS will take the default couple entity BIC/IBAN 11
initiatorIban O Initiator IBAN [a-zA-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30} If not provided, SPS will take the default couple entity BIC/IBAN 34
ultimateInitiatorName O Ultimate Initiator name MaxText70 70
ultimateInitiatorId O Ultimate Initiator identifier MaxText35 35
initiatorAddressStreet O Initiator Address: Street MaxText70 70
initiatorAddressBuildingNumber O Initiator Address: Bulding number MaxText16 16
initiatorAddressPostCode O Initiator Address: PostCode MaxText16 16
initiatorAddressCity O Initiator Address:City MaxText35 35
initiatorAddressRegion O Initiator Address: Region MaxText35 35
initiatorAddressCountry O Initiator Address:Country MaxText2 2
Main information of the recipient
recipientName M Recipient name 70
recipientBic O Recipient BIC [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} 11
recipientIban O Recipient IBAN [a-zA-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30} SPS checks IBAN according to SWIFT Either the recipientIban or RecipientBBANCountry must be field 34
recipientBBAN O National recipient account [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30} If the recipient BIC/IBAN are provided the information will not be read, the “recipientBBANCountry” will be used to determinate the country of the account 30
recipientBBANCountry O National recipient account country [A-Z]{2,2} If the recipient BIC/IBAN are provided the information will not be read 2
recipientId O Recipient Identifier MaxText35 35
recipienteMail O Recipient e-mail 320
ultimateRecipientName O Ultimate Recipient name MaxText70 70
ultimateRecipientId O Ultimate Recipient identifier MaxText35 35
recipientAddressStreet O Recipient Address: Street MaxText70 70
recipientAddressBuildingNumber O Recipient Address: Bulding number MaxText16 16
recipientAddressPostCode O Recipient Address: PostCode MaxText16 16
recipientAddressCity O Recipient Address:City MaxText35 35
recipientAddressRegion O Recipient Address: Region MaxText35 35
recipientAddressCountry O Recipient Address:Country MaxText2 2
recipientPhoneNumber O Recipient PhoneNumber MaxText34 34
Initiator Transaction Variables
initiatorTxRef O Initiator Transaction Reference MaxText35 35
initiatorCollRef O Initiator Collection Reference MaxText35 35 End of REC
sci (O) (M) : in case of refund Sepa Creditor Identifier of the Sdd to refund \A([A-Z]{2})(\d{2})([0-9A-Z]{3})([0-9A-Z]{1,28})\z ONLY THOSE FIELD Are mandatory for Refund 35 RECV2
redundSddEndToEndId (O) (M) : in case of refund End to end id of the Sdd to refund MaxText35 ONLY THOSE FIELD Are mandatory for Refund 35 RECV2
Type de la requete M END : End line 2
nbRecord M nb records in file End line 10