Creation of E-Mandates (MEV) by CSV file

Creation of E-Mandates (MEV) by CSV file


Name Mandatory? Type Format Size Comments
Request type M FRST : First line 4
requestorId M Uniquely identify the requestor (Demat partner or Creditor SI or Bank) String 35
creationDate M Timestamp of the data creation dd/MM/YYYY 10
fileId M identifies the file of the data String 35
requestType M REC : Record 5
requestOperation M CR: create Mandate 2
certificationType M [ORG] 3
Main information of the mandate
umr O Unique mandate reference \\A([a-zA-Z\\+\\?\\’\\(\\)\\:\\/\\.\\,\\-\\_0-9]{1,35})\\z 35 Either the UMR or the UIR must be provided
uir O Unique internal reference \\A([a-zA-Z\\+\\?\\’\\(\\)\\:\\/\\.\\,\\-\\_0-9]{1,35})\\z 35
sci M Sepa Creditor Identifier \A([A-Z]{2})(\\d{2})([0-9A-Z]{3})([0-9A-Z]{1,28})\\z 35
sequenceType M sequence type RCUR for Recurent mandate , OOFF for One Off mandate 4
mandateType M Mandate scheme Must be either: CORE (B2C) or B2B 4
communicationLanguage M Mandate Language [A-Z]{2,2} 2 Generated PDF Mandate Language
Main information of the debtor
debtorCivility M Debtor name [Mr, Mrs, Miss] [2-4]
debtorFirstName M Debtor firstname String 70
debtorLastName M Debtor lastname String 70
debtorBic O Debtor BIC [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} 11
debtorIban O Debtor IBAN [a-zA-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30} 34
OTPmethod M Chanel to use for the OTP code [SMS, EMAIL] [3-5]
debtoreMail M Debtor e-mail \w+([-+.’]\w+)@\w+([-.]\w+).\w+([-.]\w+)* 30
debtorPhoneNumber O Debtor PhoneNumber [[^a-zA-Z"?!#$%&()*/<>=@[]\^{}\ ~]+]{2,32} 34
debtorAddressStreet M Debtor Address: Street String 140
debtorAddressBuildingNumber M Debtor Address: Bulding number String 16
debtorAddressPostCode M Debtor Address: PostCode String 16
debtorAddressCity M Debtor Address:City String 35
debtorAddressCountry M Debtor Address:Country [A-Z]{2,2} 2
socialReason O Debteor Social Reason String 70
SIRETnumber O SIRET number of the debtor Long 14
Request type M END : End line 3
nbRecord M nb records in file Long 10 End line

O: Optionnel