Product Overview


The “Login” and “Password” fields must be filed by the user.

When the user hits [Submit], he is redirected to the main page of the GUI, provided his credentials are correct.


Otherwise, an error message is displayed and the user must enter his username and password again.

Browsing the GUI

The GUI is split into three different parts:

  • A user control panel on the top left of the screen. This area displays the name of the logged-on user and allows him to change his password at his convenience;

  • The module block. Seen on the left column, it lists all modules that are currently available to the user according to his attributed rights. It is possible to access the [Creditor], [Security] modules, as well as a [Logout] button;

  • The main panel. It allows access to all functionalities available on the module previously selected on the module block.

For example, on the [Creditor] module, the user has access to the Dashboard, Mandates Management, File Supervision, etc.



The “Creditor” Module

In order to access every mandate management feature as described in this document, the user must first select the “Creditor” module.

Please note that it is possible that the “Creditor” Module would be the only one available to the user.


Browsing SEPA Payment Suite

Dark and light colors allow the user to locate the current active module on the main bar.

Each feature is associated to a menu and browsing from one to another is done by clicking on the selected menu or submenu.

The active menu is color-coded by a darker shade.

Example: the user is currently browsing the “Mandates Management” menu and accessing the “Mandate search” submenu.


Finally, the current path is displayed above the main menu when the user browses the GUI.

Example: from the previous example where the “Mandate Search” subcategory was selected, the current path is Home > Creditor > Mandates Management > Mandate Search.


Search Criteria

For each search run by the user, the selected search criteria are displayed above the results table.

Hiding the Search Criteria

For every part of the GUI where search criteria are available, it is possible to hide those to increase the screen space allocated to displaying the results.

To hide the search criteria, click on the “Search criteria” label seen on the top left corner of the box.

Example: the user clicks on the “Search criteria” label.


Result: the criteria are now hidden.


The [Reset] Button

A [Reset] button is available in every search criteria block. It allows resetting to their default values all search criteria fields.

Example: the user searched for issued SDDs.


After hitting [Reset]:


The Results Tables

All search results in the GUI are displayed as tables.

Tables Overview

For every results table:

  • A scroll list is available to change the number of displayed results per page. The number of visible results is displayed, and so is the number of results pages.


  • It is possible to sort the results by the value expressed in a column, except when the column contains action buttons (i.e. the column is titled “Action”).

Sorting by column is done by clicking on the column label. Clicking on a label once will sort the table by ascending order, while clicking on it twice will sort it by descending order.

Example: Sorting mandate by descending creation date by clicking twice on “Creation date”. Note the small triangle that indicates the sorting order.


No Results Available

When no results are available after a search is run, the “No result for this search” message is displayed instead of a table.

The user can now run a new search by changing the search criteria.



For each results table, and provided the user has the required privileges, actions can be executed. These actions are accessible through icons:

Icon Action


This icon allows viewing details regarding the data displayed. It provides a read-only access.


This icon allows the user to edit the information.


This icon allows viewing details regarding the data displayed. By clicking on this icon, the creditor removes the selected object.


This icon allows the user to generate the mandate in pdf format.

Exporting to CSV

It is possible to export search results to a CSV document.

To do so, click on the blue [Export to CSV] button. Exporting to CSV is only available when the search returned at least one result.


If the user clicks on the button, a window will pop up to download the file.

Exported data matches the results found by the user, regardless of any sorting done on the results table.

The maximum number of results exported in the file is limited to 100001.

But if the number of results to export is more than 100001, then an error message is displayed.


If the user clicks on [Export to CSV] button again while previous export is still in process then error message is displayed.


Creditor Filter

Any user can be linked to a creditor organization. On several pages, it is possible to access the information stored on this organization or one of its sub-organizations.

Three creditor filters exist within the application pages:

  • A filter to select the creditor organization only;

  • A filter that allows further filtering by inputting an SCI;

  • A filter that adds the Business Code in addition to the SCI.

    Please see below for a detailed explanation.

The Creditor Entity Structure

A creditor is depicted as a hierarchical organization in order to cover all the different structures existing inside a company.


A creditor structure node is defined by a name, a set of SCIs, a set of Business Codes and bank accounts (BIC and IBAN numbers). Those characteristics are inherited from the top of the organization to the bottom and restrictions can be applied to each level. Furthermore, for each and every node, it is possible to set the accounts (identified by a BIC/IBAN number and optionally by an SCI and a Business Code) that a creditor can access. A bank account can also be attributed to a specific SCI.

The set of SCIs and Business Codes associated to each node defines the data (mandates, SEPA streams) that is available to the user.

Choosing a Creditor Entity

The user selects the creditor entity for which he wishes to filter information. A user can only choose a creditor entity or a supplier he is associated to, as well as its child nodes.


Choosing a Creditor Entity and an SCI

The user must first select a creditor entity, as explained in the previous section.


Then, he chooses an SCI associated to the creditor entity.


Choosing a Creditor Entity, an SCI and a Business Code

Finally, the user selects a creditor entity and an SCI account as previously explained.

A Business Code can then be chosen.


Life Cycle

The history of the modified mandates, R-Transactions and SDDs can be viewed. Those changes can be viewed in the detail of each consultation pages of their respective modules. They are displayed in a table, within a block named “Life Cycle”.


The life cycle is displayed in descending order. All modifications are displayed: former and new values are viewable, as well as the name and type of user that made the changes.

The origin of the change will be stated as one of those two values:

  • Upload: the change was done after a file was processed;

  • Back Office: a manual modification is responsible for the modification.

Confirmation Window

Some actions executed by the user require confirmation to avoid unwanted changes, typically when an SDD is activated, suspended, or cancelled. After hitting an action button, a confirmation window will pop up and the user will have to confirm the changes. A comment form allows for an optional statement to be written.

Example: to cancel an SDD, the user must browse to the chosen SDD (see Viewing a) and hit [Cancel SDD].


The confirmation window will then pop up:


GUI Structure

The following schematic representation shows all available menus and subs-menus that will be described in the next chapters.

The owner of the platform can set a legal notice that can be consulted by the users.

To consult it, the user must click on the Legal Notice link on the page footer. This action take the user to the legal notice page opened in other tab on browser.

The link is displayed only if a text was provided by the owner of the platform.