Management of Alerts and Notifications

General principles

Within the framework of creditor services, various types of functional alert exist within the mandate management application; these allow the creditor to be informed of certain specific events. The alert systems, which are appropriate to the use of this product, are not described in this document.

The alerts are generated when then corresponding events are carried out. From then on, they are visible on the application GUI depending on the user’s level of authorization. A call to a web service also allows a list of alerts generated within the application to be retrieved. In addition, users may also subscribe to receive certain alerts by email or by SMS as notifications.

A notification is a message sent to the debtor or creditor through a multichannel platform when certain events are carried out. The system offers functions to configure and monitor the notifications generated.

Notifications can contain IBAN related information. The IBAN in these emails are always masked whatever the profiles associated to the user.

Instead of sending notification for each individual transaction, only one global notification is to be sent per alert type containing the information about the alert instance.

For example, if a file is uploaded containing 200 transactions out of which 100 transactions created are in obsolete status and another 100 transactions created are in waiting status, then a total of two emails will be sent to the user containing information about the 10 first alerts (maximum number of alerts displayed in the email) instance of each alert type.

Alert management

List of alert types

The following types of alert are supported by the application:

R-transaction reception: the reason for the R-transaction is indicated in the wording of the alert;

Payment request rejected: the reason for the error is indicated in the wording of the alert;

Payment request waiting: the request reference is indicated in the wording of the alert;

Mandate creation rejected: the reject reason is indicated in the alert;

Automatic reissuing of rejected payment: the alert wording repeats the payment date of the new flow, the reference of the original flow and that of the new flow;

Release mandate deletion: the alert specifies the number of mandates deleted that day; the alert is sent the day before the deletion.

Adjust SDD due date: the request reference is indicated in the wording of the alert;

While receiving a Pain.002 message a reference to an unsupported file format was detected;

Received Pain.002 with reference for an unknown collection;

Payment request obsolete;

Collection is obsolete;

Report on the automatic notifications sent;

Mandate updated after receiving CAI;

Third Party (Bank Account) updated after receiving CAI message;

Planned future mandate modification rejected: when future modification was unsuccessful (status In Error);

Obsolete SCT collection

Mandate updated by PAIN.008

Mandate automatically suspended

End of event report generation

Viewing alerts

The alerts generated by SEPA Payment Suite can be viewed via the application’s GUI.

The first screen summarizes the different alert types in the form of a list. A counter is linked to each line: this shows the number of alerts generated for each given type. The details for each line can be accessed via a second screen showing the list of alerts generated.

The elements of the list can be viewed in detail or shown individually.

Setting parameters of email/SMS delivery

It is possible to subscribe to different types of alert by email or by SMS via a parameter screen available for each part of the creditor structure (see Company Organization).

By way of reminder, all generated alerts are still visible on the SEPA Payment Suite GUI even if not transmitted by email or SMS.

Management of notifications

Notification types

There are several notification types within the application:

Notification type Description Addressee Transmission channels
Creation of mandate Delivery of the mandate to be signed. This message is also used during follow-ups Debtor Email Mail
Updating of mandate Delivery of new modified mandate for information Debtor Email Mail
Migration of mandate Delivery of SEPA mandate direct debit authorization migration notification Debtor SMS Email Mail
Pre-notification Delivery of the SEPA direct debit pre-notification n days before the payment date, where n is configurable. Debtor SMS Email Mail
Creation of new payment date Delivery of payment schedule associated with the mandate Debtor Email Mail
Updating payment schedule Delivery of new modified payment schedule associated with the mandate Debtor Email Mail
Electronic mandate Delivery of an internet link to the debtor allowing access to complete mandate on line. Debtor Email
Ordering mandate forms Delivery batch of ordered mandate forms Creditor Email Mail
Alert generation Delivery of alerts generated on platform. Only signed alerts are transmitted Creditor SMS Email
Automatic sending reminder notifications Delivery of a recall to remind the debtor that he did not return his mandate completed and signed. The mandate pdf to sign can be attached if the channel is Email or Postal. Debtor SMS Email Postal
Automatic mandate update notification Delivery of message when a mandate is updated with some modification concerning the debtor information (i.e. name, address or bank account details) to indicate the modification has been done Debtor SMS Email
Automatic information on UMR change Delivery of message when a UMR is updated to indicate the new UMR Debtor SMS Email

The contents of the message for each notification type can be configured with regard to distribution channel and language.

Management of transmission channels

The use of a transmission channel is subject to the addressee’s data being present:

SMS: the telephone number, in international format, must be known;

Email: a correct email address must be provided;

Mail: the complete postal address (including country) must be known.

These details are retrieved from the mandate in the event of a notification being sent to the debtor or from the creditor entity in the event of a notification being sent to the creditor. The notification language is determined either by the Language field of the mandate, or by the configuration defined by the creditor.

For each type of notification, it is also possible to configure the order in which transmission channels should be used. This way, the user can define a main channel and a secondary channel. The notification is sent in accordance with this order: if the addressee details are incomplete or incorrect, the next transmission channel is used; if none of the channels can be used, no notification is sent.

Sending and monitoring of notifications

Notifications are generated by the application when the corresponding event occurs and are then transmitted to the multi-channel platform. The multi-channel platform carries out the sending of notifications to the addressee and deals with the associated positive and negative acquittal files (acknowledgement of receipt, failure to deliver email, addressee not living at indicated address, for example).

This information is uploaded to the SEPA Payment Suite application which allows it to keep track of progress of the sending process. Notification search and viewing functions are made available to users of the application.