Cancelling Collections

The creditor can decide to cancel a collection.

Figure 40 Collection cancellation process

When he cancels the collection, he has to decide what happens to the transactions included:

Either cancels them at the same time as cancelling the collection. This choice needs an appropriate rights.

Either cancels only the collection and reversed the transactions:

  • If the due date is still valid, the transactions are under the status “Created”

  • If the due date is not valid and the parameter “Direct Debit Due date overruling” is activated for the corresponding sequence type: the transactions are under the status “Created” if no validation is required or “Waiting for validation” if validation required.

  • If the due date is not valid and the parameter “Direct Debit Due date overruling” is not activated; the creditor can choose:

    • To keep the actual due date: the transactions are under the status “Obsolete”

    • To set the next valid due date determine by SPS: the transactions are under the status “Created” if no validation is required or “Waiting for validation” if validation required. Their due date are updated

    • To set his own due date: if the due date is valid Sdd are “Created” if no validation is required or “Waiting for validation” if validation required. Otherwise the sdd status set is “Obsolete”. Their due date are updated