Appendix G - List of optional Criteria for Collections Generation and Files Generation

Collections generation Collection files management
Organization node
Original file reference
Original collection reference
Recipient BIC
Transaction type
Recipient country
Maximum number of transactions per collection
Separate reissued SDDs from others (SDD)
Cross-validation of SDD collections
Cross-validation of SCT collections
Settlement mode
Organization node
Original file reference
Original collection reference
SEPA Creditor Identifier
Initiator IBAN
Recipient BIC Transaction type
Recipient country
Due date Maximum number of transactions per file
Maximum number of collections per file
Sequence type (SDD)
Separate reissued SDDs from others (SDD)

Those criteria are used to group transaction on collections and collections on collection files.


You choose to group collections by “Original collection reference”. You create 4 transactions with a Cfonb160 file and you want to add a 5th transaction on the collection creating it via GUI. The transaction created by GUI will not be grouped with the others. You will obtain 2 distinguish collections and 2 collections files.