End-Ticket Parameters

The technical information that is transmitted during this step (also known as end-ticket) to the creditor is the following:

Parameters R/O Description Used in Seal
transactionId R Id of the transaction. This id is chosen by the creditor and transmitted through the initSession method to distinguish the session. Always
signatureType O Type of signature method realized for the mandate. ORG (Validation) / OTU (Signature) Always
method R Agreement method : SMS / PAYMENT / EMAIL / MICROPAYMENT / PEN_TABLET Always
state R Final state of the session SUCCESS / FAILED / ABORTED / CANCELLED / SCHEDULE_FAILED / FRAUD Always
umr O UMR of the signed/validated mandate (if state = SUCCESS) If present
bic O Debtor’s BIC (if state = SUCCESS) If present
iban O Debtor’s IBAN (if state = SUCCESS) If present
sci O SEPA Creditor Identifier If present
mandateAlias O Alias (‘Nickname’) of the mandate (if state = SUCCESS and if the parameter has been used by the debtor) If present
captureMode O For SIPS users
captureDays O For SIPS users
mandateSequence O The sequence of the signed/validated mandate. (Can be ONE-OFF or Recurrent) OOFF / RCUR For SIPS users
mandateType O The type of the signed/validated mandate. (Can be B2B or B2C) B2B / CORE For SIPS users
Token (*) O Contains the list of field/values listed below in the form : « parameter1=value1/parameter2=value2/…/parameterN=valueN » No
Version (*) O Version of the exchange interface No
Seal (*) O Hash calculated with the Token and the secret Key. Converted to hexadecimal. No
numberAttachments O Number of attachments except signed mandate pdf. (if state = SUCCESS) No
fraudIndicator O Global Score (only fraud case : urlKO) No
fraudExecutionId O ID of fraud test (only fraud case : urlKO) No
fraudDecision O Color : always RED (only fraud case : urlKO) No
fraudDetails O Contains the list of field / values tested / score of the fraud detail : « fieldA1=valueA1, fieldA2=valueA2,..,fieldAn=valueAn/fieldB1=valueB1,fieldB2=valueB2,..,fieldBn=valueBn/…/fieldN1=valueN1, fieldN2=valueN2,..,fieldNn=valueNn » (only fraud case : urlKO) Example of a request with 2 details: name=IBAN,value=ES9321004439020100374100,score=-99/ name=IP_COUNTRY,value=,score=-9 /» No
creditorConsent O Authorizes to receive advertising from the creditor If present
partenersConsent O Authorizes to receive advertising from the creditor’s partners If present
timeStamp R In the case of document signing: Time of signature Always
useExistingMandate O In the case of document signing : When the “reuseMandate” option is enabled and using an existing mandate If present
updateExistingMandate O In the case of document signing: Whether or not to change the information in a reused warrant for the signature If present
PaymentMethod R In the case of document signing: Payment method used Always
PaymentStatus R In the case of document signing : Payment status Always
documentSignatureUserInfo R In the case of document signing: the information of the person who received the WBS code ‘EMAIL/SMS’. Always

(*) : The use of the security token is optional. Not activated by default (see next section)


*By required we mean that the parameter will be always available in the End-Ticket. It does not mean that it is mandatory for the creditor to retrieve the parameter.

*By optional we mean that the parameter will be available depending of the state of the session and the agreement method used.

Additional fields send by POST (only for SIPS)

Parameters R/O Description
keyVersion O Secret key version of the creditor
interfaceVersion O Value and number of the used interface version