Output files

Integration Report Files

Each time a file is processed by the application a report file is generated. (Excepted for returned files pain.002, camt.054, …).
Depending on the option choosed by the organization, the integration report files are generated either in XML or CSV format:

File format Integration Report file name
XML <original_file_name>.rsp.XML
CSV <original_file_name>.rsp.CSV

Besides, for these formats: CFONB160, DTA, Mandate Management CSV, Mandate Management XML, CLIEOP, DOM80 the integrations report filename (<original_file_name>.rsp.XML or <original_file_name>.rsp.CSV) is zipped in a file named <original_file_name>.rsp.zip


The pain.008 naming respected the following rules:

Mandate Type File Format Naming rules
CORE XML “pain08C_”+<entity name> +”_”+ <creditor BIC> +”.” + <identifiant> +.xml
ZIP “pain08C_”+<entity name> +”_”+ <creditor BIC> +”.” + <identifiant> +.zip
Specific XML “pain08C .“+ <entity name>+ “.“+ <entrance filename> + “.“ <sequence type indicator> +.xml
Specific ZIP “pain08C .“+ <entity name>+ “.“+ <entrance filename> + “.“ <sequence type indicator> +.zip
B2B XML “pain08B_”+<entity name> +”_”+ <creditor BIC> +”.” + <identifiant> +.xml
ZIP “pain08B_”+<entity name> +”_”+ <creditor BIC> +”.” + <identifiant> +.zip
Specific XML “pain08B .“+ <entity name>+ “.“+ <entrance filename> + “.“ <sequence type indicator> +.xml
Specific ZIP “pain08B .“+ <entity name>+ “.“+ <entrance filename> + “.“ <sequence type indicator> +.zip

If the user has selected a transaction type (On Us, Domestic, International) as a grouping criterion in the collection options page, the rules are:

Mandate Type File Format Naming rules
CORE XML “pain08C_”+ <entity name> +”_”+ <transaction type> +”_”+ <creditor BIC>”.” + <identifiant> +.xml
ZIP “pain08C_”+ <entity name> +”_”+ <transaction type> +”_”+ <creditor BIC>”.” + <identifiant> +.zip
B2B XML “pain08B_”+ <entity name> +”_”+ <transaction type> +”_”+ <creditor BIC>”.” + <identifiant> +.xml
ZIP “pain08B_”+ <entity name> +”_”+ <transaction type> +”_”+ <creditor BIC>”.” + <identifiant> +.zip


  • <entity name>: correspond to the creditor organization name where the pain is generated excepted if the contract information field is filled at organization level.

  • <creditor BIC>: correspond to the creditor BIC where the pain will be send

  • <transaction type>: corresponding to the grouping criteria of the type of transaction:

    • ONU: On Us

    • DOM: Domestic

    • OTH: Other (contains International or Domestic + International depending on the case)

  • <identifiant>: it is a random timestamp.

  • <entrance filename>: Entrance filename equals the file name present in the domestic transaction file received.

    All the entrance filename respect the pattern: user + specific file name + specific file extension. The entrance filename is the specific file name

  • <sequence type indicator>:

    • A if the parameter Sequence type (SDD) on the pain008 generation is not checked

    • R if all SDDs are Recurrent

    • F if all SDDs are First

    • N if all SDDs are Final

    • P if all SDDs are One off


The pain.001 naming respected the following rules:

File Format Naming rules
XML “pain01_”+<entity name> +”_”+ <sender BIC> +”.” + <identifiant>+.xml
“pain01.”+<entity name>+“.”+<entrance filename>+<identifiant>+“.”+ .xml
ZIP “pain01_”+<entity name> +”_”+ <sender BIC> +”.” + <identifiant>+.zip
“pain01.”+<entity name>+“.”+<entrance filename>+<identifiant>+ “.” + .zip

If the user has selected a transaction type (On Us, Domestic, International) as a grouping criterion in the collection options page, the rules are:

File Format Naming rules
XML “pain01_”+<entity name> +”_”+ <transaction type> +”_”+ <sender BIC> +”.” + <identifiant>+.xml
ZIP “pain01_”+<entity name> +”_”+ <transaction type> +”_”+ <sender BIC> +”.” + <identifiant>+.zip

Where :

  • <sender BIC>: correspond to the BIC of the account that is used for sending the credit transfer.

  • <transaction type>: corresponding to the grouping criteria of the type of transaction:

    • ONU: On Us

    • DOM: Domestic

    • OTH: Other (contains International or Domestic + International depending on the case)

  • <identifiant>: it is the creation date + a random timestamp

  • <entrance filename>: Entrance filename equals the file name present in the domestic transaction file received.

All the entrance filename respect the pattern: user + specific file name + specific file extension. The entrance filename is the specific file name.

Specific Naming Rules for Pain001 and Pain008

If the organization can use the specific naming and if the parameter “Group by reference of the received file” is checked on the organization level.

File Format Naming rules
Pain001 pain01+  « . »+ entity name+ « . »+ entrance filename + « . » + timestamp + « . » + randomNumber + .xml
Pain008 pain08(schema)+  « . » + entity name+ « . »+ entrance filename + « . » + timestamp + « . » + randomNumber + « . » sequence type indicator + .xml


  • Schema equals :

    • C if SDDs are CORE

    • B if SDDs are Business

  • Entity name equals :

    • Contract information if defined

    • Entity label (without any accent or special characters) otherwise

  • Entrance filename equals the file name present in the domestic transaction file received.

All the entrance filename respect the pattern: user + specific file name + specific file extension. The entrance filename is the specific file name.

  • Timestamp = yyyyMMdd_HH-mm-ss-milliseconds.

Exemple : 20131106_12-13-54-218

  • RandomNumber = 5 numbers

  • Sequence type indicator :

    • A if the parameter Sequence type (SDD) on the pain008 generation is not checked

    • R if all SDDs are Recurent

    • F if all SDDs are First

    • P if all SDDs are Ponctual

    • O if all SDDs are One off

Event Report File


If the user selects none grouping options, only one event report is generated (the content of the event report is ordered by mandate reference (RUM) and timestamp of the modification), the file name format is:

File format Naming rules
CSV <id_owner>_<event_report_name>_<timestamp>.csv
XML <id_owner>_<event_report_name>_<timestamp>.xml

If the user selects one or many grouping options, an archive is created containing all the generated event report files. The naming rules of the archive and the event report files are:

File format Naming rules
ZIP <id_owner>_<event_report_name>_<timestamp>.zip
CSV <id_owner>_<event_report_name>_<grouping_item_1>_……_<grouping_item_n>_<timestamp>.csv
XML <id_owner>_<event_report_name>_<grouping_item_1>_……_<grouping_item_n>_<timestamp>.xml


<event_report_name> is defined by the user at the mandate event report creation.

<grouping_item_1>_…….<grouping_item_n> is the list of the items corresponding to the grouping options selected by the user in the block “Model”


One transaction event report is generated at a time, and an archive is created containing the generated event report file. The naming rules of the archive and the event report file are:

File format Naming rules
ZIP <id_owner>_<event_report_name>_<timestamp>.zip
CSV <id_owner>_<event_report_name>_<timestamp>.csv
XML <id_owner>_<event_report_name>_<timestamp>.xml

Where <event_report_name> is defined by the user at the SDD event report creation.

Planned Mandate Modification Report File:

The name ruling of the mandate planned modification is:

File format Naming rules
ZIP <OrgName>.<TimeStamp>.planMandateJob.rsp.zip
CSV <OrgName>.<TimeStamp>.planMandateJob.rsp.csv

Bank Statements Output File format:

File Format Naming rules Date Format
CFONB240 CFONB240_<organization_name>_<date>_<random>.txt yyyyMMdd_HH_mm
NORMA19 NORMA19_<organization_name>_<date>.txt yyyyMMdd_HH_mm
CBI SDD Settled Collection type = CORE RID_creditorAccount_creditorOrganizationId_date_cr.txt yyMMddhhmmss
Collection type = B2B RID_creditorAccount_creditorOrganizationId_date_crv.txt
SDD different from Settled Collection type = CORE RID_creditorAccount_creditorOrganizationId_date.txt
Collection type = B2B RID_creditorAccount_creditorOrganizationId_date_v.txt
SCT BON_debtorIban_creditorOrganizationId_date.txt
DTAUS DTAUS_either orga label or orga contract info_date_randomOfLength5.txt yyyyMMdd_HH_mm_ss
CODA CODA_either orga label or orga contract info_date_randomOfLength5.txt yyyyMMdd_HH_mm_ss

CFONB240 DCD Naming Convention

If the origin filename contains the words “CAISDD” the filename will be replaced by DCDAVP in the CFONB240. So the filename pattern will be CFONB240_“ORIGIN-NAME”+yyyyMMdd_HH_mm_ss+ _ +5 RANDOM numbers + txt

Mandate coming soon obsolete report

The name of the report is: expiringMandates.<organization_name>.<frequency>.<periodCriteria>.<generationDate>.<random>.csv

For example: If the user wants to see the report of all mandates which are going to expire in the next month (1 month) on a weekly basis then the report corresponding to this criteria will look something like this expiringMandate.Orga.weekly.1.17022014.4878451316474343134.csv


  • Organization Name is “Orga”

  • Frequency is “weekly”

  • Period Criteria is “1” signifying 1 month

  • Generation Date is “17022014” signifying 17-Feb-14

  • Random Number is 4878451316474343134 any unique random number