Double Validation of Collections

The creation or modification of a collection may require approval from a third party user before becoming effective. It may be activated or deactivated according to the corresponding parameter value. In order to follow their lifecycle, collections must be validated by an authorised user other than the user that affected the original transaction. Validation may be carried out individually or in batches via the collection search screen.

When a collection is under status “Waiting for validation”, the associated SDDs presents in the collection are under the status “Waiting for collection validation”.

A collection “waiting for validation” can be validate, update or cancel.

Figure 39 Collection validation process

When he validates the collection, the due date may not be valid. He has to decide what happens to the collection and transactions included:

If the due date is still valid, the collection and transactions are under the status “Generated”

If the due date is not valid and the parameter “Direct Debit Due date overruling” is activated for the corresponding sequence type: the collection and his transactions are under the status “Generated”. Their due date are updated with the next valid due date determined by SPS

If the due date is not valid and the parameter “Direct Debit Due date overruling” is not activated; the creditor can choose:

  • To keep the actual due date: the transactions are under the status “Obsolete”

  • To set the next valid due date determined by SPS: the collection and his transactions are under the status “Generated”. Their due date are updatedwith the the next valid due date determined by SPS

  • To set his own due date: if the due date is valid, the collection and his Sdds are “Created”. Otherwise their sdd statuts are “Obsolete”. Their due date are updated with due date defined by the creditor