Accessibility Check of the Debtor's Bank

This feature allows the user, from a BIC directory, to check whether the debtor’s bank accepts SDDs, and if so, for which method (Core and/or B2B). Therefore, if the debtor’s bank cannot be reached by the method described in the
mandate, the status of this latter is “Waiting for reachability”. Otherwise, the mandate continues its lifecycle.

In SaaS mode, the BIC directory is hosted on the SEPA Payment Suite platform. The frequency of its update is monthly, and is the responsibility of the publisher. In software mode, the update of the directory and the frequency of updates are left to the client.

As standard, the BIC directory is populated from the SEPA Routing Directory provided by Swift. Other reference sources can be integrated in SEPA Payment Suite at the specific request of the client.

At each update of the directory on the platform, the mandates are checked to determine whether the specified debtor bank can be reached or are inaccessible:

  • Mandates leave the status of “Waiting for reachability” if the debtor bank can be reached;

  • Mandates with “Active” status move to “Waiting for reachability” if the debtor bank is marked as inaccessible;

  • Mandates with a status other than “Waiting for reachability” or Active" are not affected. They will either be in a final state or an intermediate state which requires an explicit action to continue their lifecycle (validation or activation, for example).

If there are SDDs related to these mandates, their status is also updated (see SDD status management).