Management of Domestic Change Account Identification

Activating the Domestic Change Account Identification System

At the organization parameters, an option is displayed to allow a creditor to generate a Domestic Change Account Information (CAI) file.

Selecting the Domestic CAI File in which will be generated from the Origin File.

Two select models are available, these lists offers the supported domestic files that can be generated as well as the origin of the file; in this case it will be XML format that supports inter-bank exchange of change account information ACMT022 (version 2).

By default, CFONB240 and ACMT022 (and are the only possible choice for the moment). It is mandatory to select one value from these lists.

CFONB240 DCD Parameters

In case the CFONB240 is selected as the output format, there will be 3 more fields that are included into the configuration parameters. These fields will display the File Recipient, the SPS “libelle 1” field and the Block Empty Generation.

File Recipient
This field will allow the creditor to set in a field of the header and footer of the CFONB240 (Zone 10 Position 43 to 66) the commercial name of the creditor instead of using the name of the creditor configurated in SPS. This value is mandatory, and if the user does not provide any information an information message will be displayed. The max length of this field should be 24, if not the characters after this length are not taken into account during the generation of the CFONB240.

SPS labelle 1
The transaction line of the CFONB240 has an empty zone called ‘Libelle 1’ (Zone19 Position 153 to 184) which is generally used to transit any information thatthe creditor wishes. By default this field is set as empty which means that noinformation will be transit by this zone, but it can be configurated with thefollowing values:

  • UIR
  • UMR

Block Empty Generation
It is also possible to generate Domestic CAI empty files for each creditor bank account. It is recalled that an empty generation file is a content that is strictly composed of a Header, Footer and no transactions are included. This is used basically to indicate the Creditor that there were not operations converted since the last execution date of the generation process.

Batch Configuration Generation

Once the creditor has configured and activated the Domestic Change Account System, it will be possible to generate the Domestic CAI File by 2 ways:

  • Via the Batch Configuration Page. Once the user head to this page he will see the block ‘CAI Domestic File Generation’. There he can choose the time slot that he wishes the CAI Domestic File will be generated (if the Domestic Change Account System is deactivated this block must no longer be displayed).

  • If no specific Batch Configuration Trigger is declared for the Organization, the generation process will be triggered by the global trigger. This job has been configurated to be daily executed at 3:30AM.