Creation of mandate electronically validated via SPS

The creation of electronic mandates can also be triggered using SPS. This means that the initialization of mandate electronically validated is done directly through SPS with no integration efforts for the merchant.

The figure below describes the scenarios of this feature in SPS and in SPS-SIGN:

Figure 1 – Scenario of creation of mandates electronically validated

  1. The creditor connects to the SPS application and creates set of request of electronic validation of mandates (unitary or mass). Each created request has a pre-initialized mandate in the status “Sent to debtor.” Then Emails are sent to debtors in order to proceed to the electronic validation of mandates and their activation in the application. The creditor is notified, according to their preferences, of the mandate activation by an alert or by an event report.

  2. The creditor can follow the evolution of the requests by their life cycle.

  3. When an alert about mandate activation is received, the creditor can start to create SDD on the mandate.